
For the first time in Italy a Tango Festival
“the tango of embrace”,
close and intimate, the tango of emotions and elegance,
the tango of being and not of showing off.

The Festival will allow you to experience the real Buenos Aires
atmosphere, with its traditional, social tango, and with its night music rhythms.

A full immersion in the moods of tango together
with some of the most prestigious, renowned masters
of ESTILO MILONGUERO in the world.

4 days and 4 nights in Bari, in the most welcoming land of Apulia,
with workshops, live performances by the festival masters,
live music and milonga every night.

Special guests: El Flaco Dany e Silvina Valz, Thierry Le Cocq e Veronique Bouscasse,
Octavio Fernandez e Carla Espinoza, Ricardo Viqueira.


One of the most popular tango dancing couples in the milonguero style, a stunning example of talent and beauty, fine research and searching.
Thierry Le Cocq is considered an exceptional tango master, both as a dancer and as a teacher, for the fluidity and elegance of his movements, for his full hearted creativity and superb musicality.
Veronique Buscasse, is an outstanding dancer an great point of reference for teaching women’s technique in the milonguero style. Managing to combine dynamism and precision of movements she is reckoned to be one of the most elegant argentinian tango performers.
Their unique elegance and style have conquered the worldwide scene of argentinian tango.


straight from Buenos Aires.
Daniel Garcia, better known as El Flaco Dandy, is an authentic traditional milonguero.
He was born in Buenos Aires where he grew up dancing in the most traditional milongas, and today he best represents the essence and old tradition of Argentinian tango.
Excellent tango dancer and tango teacher, El Flaco is very well known and appreciated for his unique “milonga traspiè”.
Argentine-born Silvina Valz, studied and practiced tango in Buenos Aires. Her background as ballet dancer and gymnast, her strict approach, her creativity and the sensitive delicacy of her body language allowed her to gain her undisputed fame.
Since 1997 Daniel and Silvina have been performing and teaching at several tango shows and workshops in Buenos Aires, Paris, Madrid, Barcellona, USA,etc

OCTAVIO FERNANDEZ y CARLA ESPINOZA, una giovane coppia argentina che, pure rispettando la autentica tradizione del tango, riesce a proporre freschezza e dinamicità.
Formatasi attraverso l’insegnamento  dei migliori maestri di Buenos Aires, nel 2007 al V° Campionato Metropolitano di Tango di Buenos Aires hanno ottenuto il titolo di campioni nella categoria Milonga oltre ad essersi classificati  4° al V° Campionato Mondiale di Tango.
Attraverso l’insegnamento, partecipando a numerosi show e proponendo molteplici esibizioni nelle migliori milonghe in Bs As riescono a trasmettere l’autenticità del tango dell’abbraccio.

RICARDO VIQUEIRA A native of Buenos Aires, Ricardo has always been connected to the tango: first as a child he studied music at the Conservatorio Delva then later he began organizing successful milongas, among them the well known Club Sin Rumbo in Villa Urquiza. Here he continued to perfect his dancing with great masters and began to teach.
He is especially known for dancing Milonga with Traspié, Canyengue and as the creator of a simple teaching method with which both students and teachers have benefited. He has taught in many places including the Centro Cultural Cortazar de la Secretaría de Cultura del Gobierno de la Ciudad de Buenos Aires, and for the last few years has taught in Italy, France, Switzerland, Spain, Brazil and the United States.


 Damian Boggio - DJ  from Buenos Aires. Damian is definitely the most appreciated musicalizador in Argentina and all over the world. He started his career dj-ing in the most propular milongas in BsAs such as Parakultural - Salon Canning, La National, Las Morochas - El Beso, Porteño y bailarín. He was one of the DJs at CITA (Congreso Internacional de Tango Argentino), at the World Tango Festival and and at the Night of Carlos Gavito and his friends.
Since 2004 he has been organizing his own milongas in Bs As, currently MINA MILONGA , where live performances by several orchestras and tango masters shows regularly take place. His music selections have been travelling all around the world, from Europe to Japan.
Orchestra: Sexteto Típico di Alfredo Marcucci
The Orquesta Típica de Alfredo Marcucci, located in Turin, is the first and unique “grand orchestra” of traditional Argentinian tango established in Italy.
The orchestra consists of twenty musicians nationally selected by the Argentinian Master Alfredo Marcucci.
Prestigious instrumentalist and arranger, Alfredo Marcucci is a living icon of tango.
He started playing bandoneón when he was only seven and has made a fabulous career for more than 60 years, during which he got acquainted with some of the brightest stars of the tango scene. Since the end of the 40s til the end of the 50s he played in some very popular orchestras, like Julio De Caro, Juan Canaro, Enrique Mario Francini, Carlos Di Sarli - Argentinian tango legendary names. For the following 15 years he played with the popular folk band Los Paraguayos.
At the Apulia Tango Festival the orchestra will introduce itself - for the first time - as Sexteto Típico di Alfredo Marcucci, in the authentic typical style born in Buenos Aires during the 20s (orquesta tipica).
In the last three years the orchestra has been performing all around Italy, both in live concerts and milongas, in collaboration with great artists such as Horacio Ferrer e Luis Stazo.
For further information:


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